After watching documentaries and reading articles about what we are doing to our planet and our animals based on meat consumption, we as a family decided to be more mindful of what we eat and how it affects the planet. While a change by a family of 4 may not make a huge difference, the influence we have on others around us can get the ball rolling and the more people around us become conscious of how they affect the planet and the animals living on it, the more things can change.

While going plant-based cold turkey (no turkeys were harmed in the process šŸ˜Š) is a massive change in lifestyle, we decided to slowly cut out certain foods as we progress along this journey. The biggest challenge we face is replacing the dairy products we are used to consuming with affordable alternatives. Finding a good milk for your coffee, cheese, yogurt and chocolate are the most difficult challenges. Oh, and don't forget the traditional South African braai! Some ardent braaiers don't take it well when you slap a cauliflower steak on the coals and upset their braai mojo.

Why Liveable? According to the definition of the word liveable, it means worth living and suitable for living in, on or with. By changing what we eat we can sustain a life worth living and at the same time create an environment worth living in and a planet worth living on.

Ultimately everyone has a choice of what they eat. Some will continue being meat eaters but hopefully start eating more plant-based products, others will cut out some animal-based foods where they can, others will opt for vegetarianism and some veganism to some degree. Our aim is to try and bring healthier plant-based alternatives for whatever eating habits you have.

Many small changes add up to bigger change. It is not about perfection; it is about making progress. Today is a good day to start making a difference.

Watch, read and decide for yourself if change is needed.

The Liveable TeamĀ